Saturday, February 1, 2014

Loan default prediction - Beating the Benchmark!

Beating the zero benchmark in Kaggle's Loan default prediction competition. Comments are most welcome :)


Beating the Benchmark :::::: Kaggle Loan Default Prediction Challenge.
__author__ : Abhishek


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import cPickle
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
import  scipy.stats as stats
import sklearn.linear_model as lm

def testdata(filename):
 X = pd.read_table(filename, sep=',', warn_bad_lines=True, error_bad_lines=True)

 X = np.asarray(X.values, dtype = float)

 col_mean = stats.nanmean(X,axis=0)
 inds = np.where(np.isnan(X))
 data = np.asarray(X[:,1:-3], dtype = float)

 return data
def data(filename):
 X = pd.read_table(filename, sep=',', warn_bad_lines=True, error_bad_lines=True)

 X = np.asarray(X.values, dtype = float)

 col_mean = stats.nanmean(X,axis=0)
 inds = np.where(np.isnan(X))

 labels = np.asarray(X[:,-1], dtype = float)
 data = np.asarray(X[:,1:-4], dtype = float)
 return data, labels

def createSub(clf, traindata, labels, testdata):
 sub = 1

 labels = np.asarray(map(int,labels))

 niter = 10
 auc_list = []
 mean_auc = 0.0; itr = 0
 if sub == 1:
  xtrain = traindata#[train]
  xtest = testdata#[test]

  ytrain = labels#[train]
  predsorig = np.asarray([0] * testdata.shape[0]) #np.copy(ytest)

  labelsP = []

  for i in range(len(labels)):
   if labels[i] > 0:

  labelsP = np.asarray(labelsP)
  ytrainP = labelsP

  lsvc = LinearSVC(C=0.01, penalty="l1", dual=False, verbose = 2), ytrainP)
  xtrainP = lsvc.transform(xtrain)
  xtestP =  lsvc.transform(xtest),ytrainP)
  predsP = clf.predict(xtestP)

  nztrain = np.where(ytrainP > 0)[0]
  nztest = np.where(predsP == 1)[0]

  nztrain0 = np.where(ytrainP == 0)[0]
  nztest0 = np.where(predsP == 0)[0]

  xtrainP = xtrain[nztrain]
  xtestP = xtest[nztest]

  ytrain0 = ytrain[nztrain0]
  ytrain1 = ytrain[nztrain],ytrain1)
  preds = clf.predict(xtestP)

  predsorig[nztest] = preds
  predsorig[nztest0] = 0

  np.savetxt('predictions.csv',predsorig ,delimiter = ',', fmt = '%d')

if __name__ == '__main__':
 filename = 'trainv2.csv'
 X_test = testdata('testv2.csv')

 X, labels = data(filename)
 clf = lm.LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', dual=True, tol=0.0001, 
                             C=1.0, fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1.0, 
                             class_weight=None, random_state=None)

 X = preprocessing.scale(X) 
 X_test = preprocessing.scale(X_test)

 createSub(clf, X, labels, X_test)


  1. "beating the benchmark", huh? u gonna git a letter from my lawyer :P

  2. nice work ....
    but when i try to replicate this on my machine...
    I get a Memory error in python , I'm running this on a 4GB VM
    I have tried increasing the resource by importing the resource module and setting limits as 4gb,
    but no luck....
    is this a python thing( which I don't believe it should be ) ,but if it's a machine issue
    isn't 4gb of ram enough

  3. I have a mac osx with 8 gb ram and this code works fine. If you are facing memory problems, try to load the data in chunks using pandas.


  4. EVERYBODY READ THIS TESTIMONY ON HOW I GOT MY LOAN FROM A LEGIT AND TRUSTED LOAN COMPANY My name is Kjerstin Lis, I have been searching for a loan to settle my debts, everyone I met scammed and took my money until I finally met Mr, Pedro He was able to give me a loan of R 450,000.00.He also helped some other colleagues of mine. i am talking as the happiest person in the whole wide world today and i told myself that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will tell the name to the whole wide world and i am so happy to say that my family is back for good because i was in need a loan to start my life all over as i am a single mum with 3 kids and the whole world seemed like it was hanging on me until i meant the GOD sent loan lender that changed my life and that of my family, a GOD fearing lender, Mr, Pedro, he was the Savior GOD sent to rescue my family and at first i thought it was not going to be possible until i received my loan, i invited him over to my family get-together party which he did not decline and i will advise any one who is in genuine need of a loan to contact Mr, Pedro via email at ( ) because he is the most understanding and kind hearten lender I have ever met with a caring heart. He doesn't know that I am doing this by spreading his goodwill towards me but I feel I should share this with you all. Contact the right loan company Email via:
